Wednesday, February 16, 2011

6 aware of behaviors harm the skin

Revealed the error. A woman accidentally made to the skin. With ignorance. And this is how to behave. The skin is like your mind back again.

1. Shave your legs with soap. Or liquid soap instead of shaving cream for a particular
The consequences: gel or shaving cream is very important. Because it allows the blade to work flow. Greatly reduces the irritation - irritation. Although soap brands to deliver advertising properties in a special moisture. But it was not designed to protect skin while shaving. Could adversely affect the skin in the future.
What is recommended: Use a shaving cream for a particular But do not accidentally grab the shaving cream you use each of the fans. Because men's skin different to women.

2. Pimple grain growth, it suddenly bulging out straight chin Ueeeibebsa!
The consequences: experts say the skin is the same sound that should not pick or squeeze pimples, because sheep will be even more crazy and cause acne scarring. As you squeeze pimples. Even the dirt that clog pores like the dust it off, and cosmetics to be true. But just a few. The rest remains under the skin. In addition to the squeeze acne pimples can spread infection.
What we recommend: Acne classified as the most common skin disease. But if they learn how to care properly. In addition, acne is not as inflammatory. To disappear even more quickly with And at this stage should be disabled with a cosmetic effect on the work of skin and fat, glands, such as cream or cream reduces wrinkles to mix a steroid (steroid) skin should not be disturbed. Regardless of masks or face scrub. It will even make inflammatory acne.

3. No smoking, but it is in the midst of friends who smoke
As a result: cigarette smoke from other people cause serious damage to your skin. Chemicals that come with cigarette smoke such as carbon Mall - outside the site, nicotine, etc. penetrate the skin through pores. When exposed to cells in the body can cause free radicals. Destruction of collagen and elastin. Resulting in loss of skin elasticity. Wrinkles caused premature. And their rehabilitation process of the skin to lose.
What we recommend: Choose smoke-free environments and tobacco smoke are toxic. If unavoidable. Try to stay away, such as smokers. If a restaurant or pub to view the selected air flow, such as garden outside the zone. Or on the terrace. And when you return home. , Then quickly took a bath to remove the smoke stuck in the skin and hair. Then use riser Moyse met with a mixture of substances anti oxidant such as Tea leaf extract, olive leaf, vitamin C and E, etc. These ingredients help to fight free radicals.

4. Scrubs every day, some day get lost a couple of scrub around
The consequences: even the scrub will help remove dead skin cells to come off. However, if contrary to common. Or do not Baniabanieong. It leads to irritation, such as scrub skin when bathing and also nourish the lotions that contain chemicals remove skin cells. Wear a fruit acid night cream containing Retinol Grand Do (retinoid) Here is an example of the use of polishing products to three ways in one day. This will make the skin more and lose the natural oils protecting the skin. Lead to irritation. Especially the face.
What we recommend: do not limit themselves to scrub up each day, such as how to use the product does not scrub the skin. Products that contain fruit acids. And Retinol Grand Do the same day. Do not forget to note that the components in the product. Perhaps it is not even listed as "scrub" directly qualify to scrub.

5. Not clean makeup brush
. Because they thought that we used to be alone this.
As a result: the accumulation of brush, a source of bacteria. Which is attached to the skin every time you flick If not cleaned. Germs that accumulates on the brush will Souson into the pores. Lead to acne. Also, brush the dirt to catch the bad cosmetics. Made up not smooth.
What is recommended: removal of dirt and bacteria by clearing brush every week. With a shampoo wash out all residual chemicals.

6. Aware that pregnant But do not change the way skin care
The consequences: Some ingredients in skin care. You can use safely when not pregnant. But may harm the baby if used as part of pregnancy. Anti-aging products containing Retinol and methanol (retinol) and acne removal product mix Ben Soi mail Property rock site (benzoyl peroxide) even without specific clearly as dangerous for pregnant women. But as long as the states that are not safe for pregnant women should not be trusted.
What is recommended: Change the product containing Retinol methanol is made from ingredients like milk, lactic acid or made from natural, however, before using any product. Physicians should ask every time.

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