Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tips to reduce wrinkles

In addition to select wrinkle cream you should choose wisely and behavior modification. Some can result in wrinkles at the same time, we fear white flag to be acceptable to lose.

- Avoid the sun.
If the sun should venture to carry an umbrella or a hat is always But without a tool to help. Trying to walk in the shade.
Or standing under a tree and do not forget sunglasses to protect the skin around the eyes with Wearing clothes that completely, especially cotton clothing can help protect the skin better. It helps reflect the UV A and UV B partially. Get help heat well. Important should any bright clothes. Will not absorb heat.

- Do not forget to apply sunscreen before leaving home.
Sunscreen is important. It will help prevent UV S. Protection (wrinkles) and UV B (anti-skin cancer) is in..

- To quit smoking.
If you are divorced from the day with a cigarette, you can call your pretty face back, because people are no less when I stopped smoking is strictly prohibited. They insist that the good feeling young and refreshed by the most important. Wrinkles seem to have any less time with

- Drink lots of water.
If you do not want to keep your skin moist and wrinkle lack of action. What drink lots of water. Do not allow your body a false sense of thirst. Since one of the best food, the skin is water purification ago. So turn to drink at least 6-8 glasses a day for beautiful skin together better in..

- Feeding each other some skin.
Eating foods that help slow down aging. Should reduce the amount of fat the body receive each day, less than 30 percent of the number of calories your body needs. Foods that contain vitamin C and E help skin rejuvenation anti-aging, such as potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, spinach choline Hoist Co cantaloupe and peaches, low fat diet high in calcium. (Good for bones and calcium affect collagen) at home Hoist choline cabbage, salmon and sardines. Add fiber to 25-30 grams per day, the body with high-fiber foods such as oatmeal, barley and bean balls, peaches, plums.

- Do not exercise too much on the page.
Books that beauty, even many books will recommend that the administration face to tighten the skin but facial muscle movement causes the wrinkle. The more you do it frequently, it was reiterated that the original track deeper and more clearly. So try not to do anything with your face gently spoken but beautiful laugh. Do not frown it a habit. Even a massage function that good for your skin, if possible, do not touch it often. Because every time we touch the hand That can cause wrinkles.
Small up to.

- Lie to the port.
To sleep in. I have an important part. If the horizontal position, then it is not. The wrinkle called Sleep Line is prone to is to lie. It does not cause wrinkles from the bed and pressed down on the surface. Even in the night when we sleep. We can control you before our more difficult. But when asked if you feel a lie Be hurry to the same.

- Do not stress.
In. Keep in mind that Stress is the enemy of the skin and cause premature aging tired my.

Whether you choose. How to use the cream. The most important thing is to choose for ourselves. Also do not forget to eat, and some behavior modification. Certification in. that beautiful skin. Is to go for more.

Choose products wisely.
Sam Some machines can help slow down wrinkles actually. But it is only temporary. With the principle of maintaining the moisture of the skin to maintain, but can not make your skin firm. Smooth surface like a young girl again, so trigger for buying anti-wrinkle cream has a fourth to keep his mind browsing in..

Choose cream to suit their own skin.
If dry skin cream should be used with it and very moist. The oily skin should use a thin cream gel or lotion milk Because if the wrong choice can affect the skin. The granules or take out pretty rash. Get wrinkles is not lost with the loss.

• cream is effective in removing wrinkles.

Browse cream containing compounds further reduce scrap material such as free radicals, vitamin C, Vitamin E Co enzyme Q Ten. Grape seed extract and green tea.

dull, rough skin and wrinkles.
Browse cream contains substances that help shed the skin cells and stimulate collagen building material, such as Retinol Do Grand AHA BHA Light Post Ignacio acid, but if you are sensitive. Asked to turn a blind eye cosmetics containing these substances to it at all. It can cause skin irritation and had a lot more wrinkles.

If you are wealthy
Try selecting a cream containing a mixture of substances that stimulate the cells at the molecular level directly A cream containing a mixture of different cell culture supplements. Because of these features cream stimulate cells to build collagen and elastin increased causing skin cells repair themselves more.

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